Why You Shank It! (and How to Fix It)

⛳️ Stop standing too far away from the golf ball – here’s the solution.

It’s Thursday and you’ve got this coming,

 Why Standing Too Far From the Ball Could Be Hurting Your Golf Swing

If you’re an average golfer struggling with heel strikes or shanks, you might believe you’re standing too close to the golf ball. This often leads players to back up and stand farther away—thinking they’re buying themselves more space. Unfortunately, this is a huge misconception, and standing farther away might actually be the root of your problems.

In this post, we’ll break down:

1. Why standing too far away causes issues

2. The role of your foot pressure and balance

3. A simple drill to find your ideal setup position

We’re next up on the tee, let’s go!


I just want to take a moment to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I’m incredibly grateful for your support and for being part of this journey with me. My next email will be landing in your inbox on December 26th, and I’ve got some exciting things planned for 2025 that I can’t wait to share with you. Stay tuned, enjoy the holidays, and as always – let’s keep improving!”


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The Misconception: “I Need More Space”

If you want to watch my breakdown of this tip, check it out here!

When golfers struggle with heel shots or shanks, they often say, “I feel stuck,” or “I don’t have enough space.” Their natural response? Back up and move farther from the ball.

Here’s why that doesn’t work:

• Standing farther away puts your weight on your toes as you reach for the ball.

• Being toe-heavy makes it harder to turn your body in the swing.

• To compensate and maintain balance, you thrust your pelvis toward the ball in the downswing.

This thrusting movement—caused by poor balance—removes space and leads to shanks, heel strikes, and early extension.

Why Being on Your Toes Matters

Let’s test it. Grab a club, stand up, and ask yourself:

• Is your weight on your toes or heels?

• Do you feel evenly balanced across your entire foot?

Here’s what happens when you’re on your toes:

1. You lose balance and can’t rotate efficiently.

2. You subconsciously thrust toward the ball to avoid falling over.

3. This thrust creates the very problem you’re trying to avoid—loss of space.

The setup pressure in your feet dictates what happens throughout the swing. If you’re toe-heavy at setup, your body will compensate during the swing, leading to inconsistent strikes.

The Goldilocks Drill: Find the Middle

The solution isn’t as simple as “stand closer.” Instead, you need to learn how to balance your weight across your entire foot. Here’s the Goldilocks Drill to help you feel it:

1. Toes First: Stand on your toes and exaggerate the feeling.

2. Heels Next: Rock back on your heels.

3. Find the Middle: Now settle your weight evenly across your entire foot. You should feel the ground through your toes, arches, and heels—the full foot.

Repeat this drill a few times without a club, then step into a golf shot and:

• Find the middle of your foot before addressing the ball.

• Notice how much closer you are to the ball when properly balanced.

Practical Setup Check

If you tend to stand too far away and reach for the ball:

• Use the Goldilocks Drill before every shot to reset your balance.

• Pay attention to your setup pressure—ensure it’s centered, not on your toes.

Why It Feels Too Close

When golfers shift to a more balanced setup, they often say:

“It feels like I’m too close to the ball!”

Here’s the truth: If you’ve been toe-heavy and standing too far away for years, proper balance will feel strange at first. However, that slight adjustment is key to rotating better, reducing thrust, and eliminating shanks.

Summary & Next Steps

1. Audit your balance: Check where your weight sits at setup.

2. Goldilocks Drill: Find the middle of your feet—neither too toe-heavy nor heel-heavy.

3. Stand Closer: Let your body settle into a position where your entire foot interacts with the ground.

If you’re someone who has struggled with shanks, heel strikes, or feeling “stuck” in your swing, this small setup adjustment can make a massive difference. Fix your foundation first—your foot pressure—before overhauling your swing.

Were you too far from the ball? Did you discover you were on your toes? I’m here to answer any questions as you work through it.

Here’s to better balance and better ball striking!

Hope this tip helps!

Remember, if you want the full breakdown video, you can click here


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