⛳️ How to make a swing change

5 Steps to follow

It’s Thursday and that means you’ve got 3 things coming,

⛳️ One Golf Tip: The 5 steps of a swing change!
🧠 One Stat on how to become a Stratch Player
🔥 A purchase I really like!

We’re next up on the tee, let’s go!

I found a really good product!

I bought a Golf Subscription Box, called Mullybox. Once a quarter (every 3 months) they send me a box of Golf stuff. I give them my sizes in advance. You know you get a few things for sure (Polo and Glove) and it always ends up being 5-7 items. In my Mullybox I got,
- A Golf Polo
- High-end leather glove
- Golf Hat
- A glove caddy (keeps your gloves fresh)
- A training aid (one I need!)

The best part is the price! The retail value of the box is easily over $220, what did it cost me?! $115 or ($85 USD). Items I want and use, every 3 months. I can't wait for my next one!

Check out the Mullybox website here!

If it is something you are interested in, you can use the code: RyanRobillard for 30%

My Mullybox has, A Polo, Golf Hat, Golf Glove, Golf Glove Caddy, and a training aid! The value of these boxes is, really, good!

The 5 steps of a swing change!

Making a swing change can take some time, there is no doubt about it. But I believe many players quickly jump from making a couple of rehearsal swings to expecting it to perform at full speed with a golf ball. We can break it down into five components, from the easiest to capture a feel to the hardest.

I dive into this topic deeper in the video below, check it out!

1) Stopping at key positions

Making swings and stopping at the key positions where the change is going to happen. Examining where your body is in space, using your eyes to check if you're in the position that you need to be in and recognizing what feels different about this position versus what you normally do.

2) Slow full swings with no Golf Ball

You are reducing the speed to increase the feel. No golf ball is needed this is purely about feeling your body move in space and seeing if you're able to replicate the feels in those key positions that we had and point number one. the slower the better!

3) Fast full swings with no Golf Ball

Before we introduce a golf ball let's see if we can make the move at full speed with no golf ball. when we don't have a golf ball to focus is still more about the body and understanding how we're moving in space. Once we start moving at full speed I always emphasize holding your finish to give yourself a moment to reflect on what just happened to be able to cross reference if it felt like how you thought it would feel. The main fault for many people, when they make full-speed practice swings, is that they don’t hold their finish and lose that reflection time.

4) Slow Full swings at slow speed with Golf Ball

All right, let's introduce the golf ball. But to do this we are again going to slow down the speed here the quality of the contact is not the most important thing at the start. Once we introduce a golf ball are you still able to feel and give yourself the same instructions you did when there was no golf ball. Again I will emphasize holding your finish and reminding golfers that the slower they make these full swings the better

5) Full speed with Golf Ball

Now we've earned the right to try this at full speed and see what happens! again holding our finish and being able to reflect after we've had a golf shot is crucial. If you feel you're starting to get it proceed by continuing to hit golf balls at full speed. If you don't feel like you get it right away I always encourage golfers to go back to step number one and build their confidence back up. It's not a race of how quickly we can make these changes, but more important to make sure that we make a permanent change.

Now go make that swing change for a better 2024!!

🎙️ Have you checked out my Podcast? Find it here

Based on how many shots?!

I was sent this by a fellow Golf Pro. I find this more motivating than anything for Golfers. You don’t need to be “perfect” to play good golf!

What stat sticks out to you? Aside from the 540 Million shots analyzed!

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